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Unveiling London’s Hidden Gem: A Day Trip to Mail Rail London – The Postal Museum 2024


Entrance Mail Rail

Join us on a journey through time as we explore the rich history and fascinating exhibits of the Mail Rail London – The Postal Museum. Our day trip begins with an exciting ride on the Mail Rail train, where we’ll travel through the underground tunnels of London and learn about the city’s hidden postal history. But our adventure doesn’t stop there.

After the train ride, we’ll step back in time at the Postal Museum, where we’ll discover the origins of the British postal service and explore the evolution of mail delivery over the years. From vintage mailboxes to old-fashioned postal uniforms, there’s something for everyone to enjoy at this unique museum. So grab your tickets and get ready for a day filled with history, innovation, and fun!

London is a city steeped in history, where every corner holds a story waiting to be discovered. One such hidden gem is Mail Rail London – The Postal Museum, nestled beneath the bustling streets of the city. Join us as we take you on a journey through time, exploring the fascinating history and captivating exhibits of this unique museum.

Getting There:

Our adventure began at London Victoria Station, where we boarded a train to Russell Square Station. From there, it was just a short walk to Mail Rail Museum, located in the heart of London.

Exploring Mail Rail London Museum:

Upon arrival, we were eager to start our exploration. The friendly staff directed us to begin our visit with a ride on the Mail Rail train, an experience we couldn’t wait to try.

The Mail Rail Train Ride:


As we boarded the Mail Rail London train, excitement filled the air. The ride took us through a network of underground tunnels, offering a unique glimpse into London’s postal history. Each stop along the tour provided fascinating insights and historical tidbits, making the experience both educational and entertaining.

Entertainment in the Tunnels:

As we journeyed through the tunnels on the Mail Rail train, we couldn’t help but wonder how the workers passed the time during their long shifts underground. Our guide shared with us some fascinating insights into the creative ways in which Mail Rail workers entertained themselves:

Card Games:

To pass the time between shifts, Mail Rail workers often engaged in friendly card games. Whether it was a game of poker or a round of rummy, these games provided a welcome distraction from the monotony of the underground tunnels.


Another popular pastime among Mail Rail workers was storytelling. Gathered together in the break room between shifts, they would share tales of their experiences working underground, swapping stories of memorable deliveries and encounters with curious passengers.

Music and Singing:

Music was also a source of entertainment for Mail Rail workers. Some would bring along portable radios to listen to their favorite tunes, while others would pass the time by singing songs together. The acoustics of the underground tunnels created a unique and immersive musical experience.

Practical Jokes:

Like any workplace, Mail Rail had its fair share of practical jokers. Workers would play harmless pranks on each other, keeping spirits high during long shifts underground. Whether it was a hidden rubber spider or a strategically placed whoopee cushion, these practical jokes brought laughter and camaraderie to the tunnels.

Reading and Learning:

In addition to entertainment, many Mail Rail workers used their time underground to further their education. Some would bring along books to read during breaks, while others took advantage of educational opportunities provided by the postal service. From correspondence courses to on-the-job training, Mail Rail workers were always eager to learn and grow.

These creative forms of entertainment not only helped to pass the time during long shifts underground but also fostered a sense of camaraderie among Mail Rail workers. As we rode through the tunnels, we couldn’t help but imagine the laughter and camaraderie that must have filled the underground world of Mail Rail. It was a fascinating glimpse into the human side of this remarkable postal system.

Development of Mail Rail:

1915 – 1927: The Birth of Mail Rail

  • 1915: The ambitious project to create an underground postal railway system, known as Mail Rail, was initiated. The goal was to revolutionize the postal service in London by creating a faster and more efficient means of transporting mail across the city.
  • 1927: After years of planning and construction, Mail Rail London was finally completed. The underground railway system stretched for six and a half miles, connecting various post offices and railway stations across London. It was a monumental achievement and marked the beginning of a new era for the postal service.

1930s: The Era of Electric Trains

  • 1930: The first electric trains were introduced on Mail Rail, replacing the outdated steam locomotives. This technological advancement significantly increased the speed and efficiency of the postal railway system.
  • 1936: Mail Rail expanded its network, connecting more post offices and railway stations across London. The expanded network allowed for faster and more reliable mail delivery throughout the city.

1940s: Adapting During World War II

  • 1940-1945: During World War II, Mail Rail London played a vital role in maintaining communication and delivering essential supplies across London, despite facing challenges such as air raids and bombings. The underground tunnels provided a safe and secure means of transporting mail during this tumultuous time.

1950s: Embracing New Technologies

  • 1950: Mail Rail London continued to expand its network, adapting to the changing needs of the postal service and embracing new technologies. The introduction of electric sorting machines and automated systems increased the efficiency of the postal railway system.
  • 1954: The first automated sorting system was introduced, streamlining the mail sorting process and increasing efficiency. This technological innovation revolutionized the way mail was processed and delivered in London.

1960s: Modernization and Innovation

  • 1960: Mail Rail celebrated its 35th anniversary, marking decades of service to the people of London. The railway system underwent modernization efforts, with upgrades to the tracks, tunnels, and trains.
  • 1967: The introduction of computerized sorting systems further enhanced the efficiency of Mail Rail, allowing for faster and more accurate mail delivery. The new technology increased the capacity of the postal railway system, enabling it to handle a larger volume of mail.

1970s: Meeting the Challenges of a Changing World

  • 1970: Mail Rail underwent further modernization efforts, with the introduction of new technologies and innovations. Upgrades to the railway system, including new tracks and trains, improved efficiency and reliability.
  • 1977: Mail Rail played a crucial role in delivering commemorative mail during the Queen’s Silver Jubilee celebrations. The underground railway system proved its value once again, delivering mail quickly and efficiently across London.

1980s: A Time of Progress and Change

  • 1980: Mail Rail London celebrated its 65th anniversary, reflecting on its rich history and looking towards the future. The postal railway system continued to evolve, embracing new technologies and innovations to meet the changing demands of the postal service.
  • 1986: The introduction of barcode technology revolutionized the sorting process, making it even faster and more efficient. Barcode scanners were installed at sorting stations, allowing for automated sorting and tracking of mail.

1990s: The End of an Era

  • 1990: Mail Rail continued to evolve, embracing new technologies and innovations to meet the changing demands of the postal service. However, with advancements in transportation and communication, the need for an underground postal railway system began to diminish.
  • 1993: The last letter was transported on Mail Rail, marking the end of an era for the underground postal system. While the railway system had served London faithfully for nearly eight decades, it was no longer cost-effective or necessary in the modern age.

Despite its closure, Mail Rail London remains an important part of London’s history, reminding us of a time when the postal service was the lifeline of the city. Today, the Mail Rail – The Postal Museum stands as a tribute to this remarkable railway system, allowing visitors to experience firsthand the ingenuity and innovation that shaped London’s postal history.

After the train ride, we explored the rest of the museum, taking in the fascinating exhibits and displays.

After the exhilarating Mail Rail London train ride, we eagerly delved into the heart of the museum, where a treasure trove of exhibits and displays awaited us. Here’s a glimpse into what we discovered:

Mail Rail Exhibition:

As we stepped into the Mail Rail London exhibition, we were transported back in time to the heyday of London’s underground postal railway system. Through a series of interactive displays, artifacts, and historical photographs, we gained a deeper understanding of the history and significance of Mail Rail.

We marveled at the engineering marvel that was Mail Rail, learning about its construction, operation, and the dedicated workers who kept the underground railway system running smoothly.

Interactive maps and models allowed us to explore the intricate network of tunnels that crisscrossed beneath the streets of London, while informative panels provided insight into the day-to-day operations of Mail Rail.

Uniform Experience:

One of the highlights of the exhibition was the chance to step into the shoes of a Mail Rail worker by trying on a replica uniform. As we donned the iconic blue overalls and cap, we gained a newfound appreciation for the men and women who worked tirelessly underground to keep the mail moving.

The interactive exhibit provided a fascinating glimpse into the working conditions of Mail Rail workers, allowing us to experience firsthand the challenges and triumphs of life in the tunnels.

Mail Sorting Station:

Another captivating exhibit was the Mail Sorting Station, where we learned about the intricate process of sorting and delivering mail in London. From handwritten letters to parcels and packages, we gained insight into the inner workings of the postal service.

Interactive displays allowed us to try our hand at sorting mail, challenging us to match letters to their correct destinations within a set time limit. It was a fun and educational experience that gave us a newfound appreciation for the efficiency and precision of the postal system.

Engineering Marvels:

Throughout the exhibition, we were amazed by the engineering feats behind Mail Rail. From the construction of the underground tunnels to the design of the electric trains, the exhibition showcased the ingenuity and innovation that went into creating London’s hidden railway.

We learned about the pioneering engineers who designed and built Mail Rail, as well as the technological advancements that shaped its development over the years. From the introduction of electric trains to the implementation of computerized sorting systems, Mail Rail was at the forefront of innovation in the postal industry.

Historical Artifacts:

The exhibition also featured a collection of historical artifacts, including original uniforms, equipment, and archival documents. From vintage postage stamps to old-fashioned mailbags, these artifacts offered a tangible connection to the past, allowing us to step back in time and experience the history of Mail Rail firsthand.

One particularly fascinating artifact was an original Mail Rail London train carriage, preserved for posterity and on display for visitors to explore. Stepping inside the carriage, we were transported back to a bygone era, where the hustle and bustle of London’s underground postal railway system came to life.

Our exploration of the exhibition was both educational and inspiring, offering a fascinating glimpse into the history and legacy of Mail Rail. From the thrilling train ride to the captivating exhibits, it was an experience that we’ll never forget. As we left the museum, we couldn’t help but feel a newfound appreciation for London’s hidden gem and the remarkable story it has to tell

Exploring the Postal Museum:

In addition to our thrilling adventure on the Mail Rail London train, our visit to the Postal Museum was an equally fascinating experience. We learned about the evolution of postage in England, including the introduction of the Penny Black, the world’s first adhesive postage stamp. This revolutionary invention, introduced in 1840, made it possible for people to send letters and packages quickly and affordably, forever changing the way we communicate.

Inside the Postal Museum, we encountered a fascinating array of exhibits and displays that brought the history of the postal service to life. Here’s a closer look at some of the highlights of our visit:

Queen Victoria’s Reign and the Birth of Postage:

Our journey through the Postal Museum began with a step back in time to the reign of Queen Victoria. Here, we had the opportunity to see the oldest mail post from her era, a tangible reminder of the long and storied history of the British postal service.

No. 105 Royal Mail Carriage:

As we entered the museum, we were greeted by the impressive No. 105 Royal Mail carriage, a symbol of the rich history of the British postal service. Stepping inside, we were transported back in time to an era when mail was transported across the country by rail.

Vintage Phone Booth System:

One of the first exhibits we encountered was an old-fashioned phone booth system, where visitors could experience the nostalgia of making a call using a rotary dial telephone. It was a fun and interactive way to experience how communication has evolved over the years.

Exploring Different Types of Postal Mail:

Throughout the museum, we encountered a fascinating array of exhibits showcasing the different types of postal mail used throughout history. From handwritten letters to parcels and packages, the exhibits offered a comprehensive look at how mail has been sent and received over the years.

Postal Mail Uniforms Through the Decades:

One of the most interesting exhibits allowed us to explore postal uniforms from every decade, dating back to the earliest days of the postal service. From the iconic red jackets of the Victorian era to the sleek blue uniforms of the modern postal service, it was a fascinating glimpse into the changing fashions of the postal industry.

Visitors even had the opportunity to try on replica postal uniforms and imagine what it would have been like to work as a mailman in decades past. It was a fun and interactive way to experience the history of the postal service first hand.

Customizing Your Own Postal Image:

One of the most fun and interactive exhibits allowed visitors to customize their own postal image, creating a unique souvenir of their visit to the museum. Whether it was adding a personal message or choosing a vintage stamp, it was a fun way to commemorate our time at the Postal Museum.

Importance and History of Postal Mailman Uniforms:

Postal mailman uniforms have played a crucial role in the history of the postal service, serving as both a practical necessity and a symbol of authority and professionalism. From the earliest days of the postal service, uniforms were designed to be durable, comfortable, and easily identifiable.

As the postal service evolved and expanded, so too did the design of the postal mailman uniform. In response to changing weather conditions and the demands of delivering mail in all four seasons, uniforms were adapted to provide protection from the elements while still allowing for ease of movement.

The evolution of the postal mailman uniform reflects not only changes in fashion but also advancements in technology and the demands of an ever-growing postal service. Today, postal uniforms are designed to be both functional and fashionable, providing mail carriers with the comfort and protection they need to deliver mail in all types of weather.

As part of the museum experience, children were invited to make suggestions for what they think the future postal mailman uniform might look like. It was a fun and engaging way to encourage creativity and imagination, while also highlighting the importance of innovation in the postal service. Who knows, maybe one day their ideas will become a reality!

Dinner at Carnaby:

After our immersive journey through London’s postal history, we decided to cap off the day with a delicious dinner at Shoryu in Carnaby. We indulged in some of their signature dishes, including Shoryu Ramen, Chicken Karaage, Pork Buns, and washed it all down with refreshing Asahi beer. It was the perfect way to end our day of exploration and discovery. As we headed home, full and content, we couldn’t help but reflect on the incredible experiences we had shared. From the hidden depths of Mail Rail to the bustling streets of London, it was a day filled with adventure, history, and delicious food. Until next time, London!


Our day trip to Mail Rail – The Postal Museum was an unforgettable journey through the history of London’s postal service. From the moment we stepped aboard the Mail Rail London train to our exploration of the Postal Museum’s fascinating exhibits, we were captivated by the stories and innovations that shaped the postal service over the years. Riding through the underground tunnels of Mail Rail, we gained a newfound appreciation for the dedication and hard work of the postal workers who kept the mail moving beneath the streets of London.

Exploring the Postal Museum was equally enlightening, as we delved into the origins of the British postal service and witnessed its evolution over the decades. From vintage mailboxes to interactive exhibits showcasing postal uniforms from every decade, there was something for everyone to enjoy. Trying on replica postal uniforms and imagining ourselves as mail carriers from days gone by was a highlight of the experience, allowing us to step back in time and connect with the history of the postal service.

As we left the museum, full of newfound knowledge and appreciation, we couldn’t help but reflect on the incredible experiences we had shared. From the hidden depths of Mail Rail London to the bustling streets of London above, it was a day filled with adventure, history, and discovery. And as we headed home, full and content after a delicious dinner at Shoryu in Carnaby, we knew that these were memories we would cherish for years to come. London’s hidden gem, Mail Rail – The Postal Museum, is a must-visit for anyone interested in the fascinating history of the postal service. Be sure to add it to your itinerary the next time you’re in town. You won’t be disappointed!